Introducing the ProTekt Tools DoubleTaper
The Double Sided Tape Maker
Your Ultimate Solution for Faster Paint Masking!
Our Double-Sided Masking Dispenser is a game-changing tool for supercharging production.
Endless Possibilities: No more restrictions to small, costly rolls of masker film designed for traditional hand-maskers. With the DoubleTaper, you can effortlessly attach any kind of masking material— including 9-12ft x 400 ft. rolls of painters plastic, heavy 4-6 mil thick sheeting for abatement, or various types of paper, cardboard, poster-board, foam-board, insulation, notes, artwork and more.
Key feature: You can customize adhesive properties on both sides by using two different types of tape. Use a high quality removable tape on delicate surfaces combined with a high tack adhesive tape to hold plastic sheeting.
Utilize a wide variety of masking tapes, duct tapes, poly tapes, packaging tapes, etc. to suit your project’s requirements.
️ Lightning-Fast Setup: Outline your desired area with tape and attach masking materials in an instant. Perfect for precision work on kitchen cabinetry, extensive walls, ceilings, or containment barriers. Also great for masking vehicles, large trucks, aerospace and marine craft.
Robust Performance: The DoubleTaper is durable tool, ready for job site use that creates a strong, reliable bond and airtight seal between the surface and masking material to hold large thick, heavy sheeting, withstand intense airflow, excessive moisture, and heavy spray materials like drywall texture spray. Its airtight seal controls overspray, fumes, dust, airflow, and moisture, slashing time, labor, and material costs by up to 75%.
Elevate your masking process, boost efficiency, and watch your bottom line soar. Whether you're bidding competitively or aiming for quicker job completion, this tool is your secret weapon for success.
Ready to transform your painting and contracting business? Don't miss out on this game-changing innovation.
Order your DoubleTaper Masking Dispenser today!
Análisis de costos de DoubleTaper frente a enmascaradores manuales y cinta de doble cara
DoubleTaper puede ahorrar un 47 % por pie lineal y un 75 % por pie cuadrado en costos de materiales en comparación con los enmascaradores manuales habituales. Cabe señalar que los enmascaradores manuales y los Double Tapers funcionan bien juntos y cada herramienta es una valiosa adición a su kit de enmascarado.
DoubleTaper Cost $60-$70 no extra purchases or parts required to operate the tool
Painters plastic: 9ft x 400ft/ 3600 sq ft 660% more sq ft than rolls of masker film
Cost $15- 19/ roll for 3600 sq ft - .005c/ sq ft - .05c/ lin ft
1" wide 14 day masking tape = $5.00/ roll - .03c/ lin ft
1" wide beige 3 day tape = $2.00/ roll - .01c/ lin ft
Tape combination = .04c/ lin ft
Total cost to operate DoubleTaper per lin ft = .09c/ lin ft
Hand Masker Cost $45-$80 plus blade must be purchased seperately $20-$25 = $65-$105
6ft x 90ft/ 540 sq ft masker film - small, limited sizes
Cost $13.00/ roll - .02c/ sq ft - .14c/ lin ft
1" wide 14 day masking tape = $5.00/ roll - .03c/ lin ft
Total cost to operate handmasker per lin ft = .17c/ lin ft
Cinta adhesiva azul de 2" de ancho para 14 días 180 pies lineales = $9/rollo -.05c/pies lineales
20% más caro que combinar cinta multiusos de 1" con cinta removible azul de 14 días de 1" =.04c/pies lineales
Cinta adhesiva de doble cara 74 pies lineales = $12.00/rollo -.16c/pies lineales-
400% más caro que combinar cintas de 1" = .04c/pies lineales